Distinguished Professionals Education Institute

Personal Information

Note: Your résumé must be in Word (.doc) or Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format.

Please ensure that, when requested, you can provide an official college transcript documenting that you meet the following requirements:

  • Master's Degree or Bachelor's Degree with 24 semester hours in the teaching field or a related field.
  • 10 years of work experience in the field to be taught


Check all degrees received:

Education (Attach official transcripts)
Type of School Institution Location Major(s) Degree Years Attended
High School
Graduate School
Previous teaching experience if applicable (begin with most recent)
Name/Location of School Grades/Subject Dates Reason for Leaving
Work experience other than teaching (begin with most recent)
Name/Location of Company Type of Business Dates Reason for Leaving

Military Experience

Professional Honors/Awards

Professional/Civic Organizations to which you belong


Name Address Position Phone Number

Please describe your training and experience with technology

In what areas do you feel you have particular strengths?

In what areas do you need to further develop your knowledge and/or skills?

Please provide any additional information you desire that will afford an additional understanding of your qualifications, your goals, objectives, philosophy, and other background facts of special interest.

General Information required to apply for an adjunct teaching license

The following information is required by TCA §49-5-406(a)(1). Knowingly falsifying information required by TCA §49-5-406(a)(1) shall be sufficient grounds for shall constitute a Class A misdemeanor, which must be reported to the District Attorney General for prosecution.

(You are not required to disclose parking or moving traffic violation if the maximum sanction provided by law for such violation does not include a period of confinement.)

Note: The employer's non-renewal of a yearly contract need not be indicated unless the non-renewal was for improper or unprofessional conduct, inefficient service, neglect of duty, incompetence, or insubordination as the same are defined in Section §49-5-501 of the Tennessee Code.)

I understand that misrepresentation of any of these certifications may subject me to the penalties prescribed in Section §49-5-406, 4-5-407, and 4-5-411 of the Tennessee Code.


I have not been convicted of a misdemeanor or a felony in any state of the United States.

I have not been dismissed from any previous employment for improper or unprofessional conduct, inefficient service, neglect of duty, incompetence, or insubordination.

I am a citizen of the United States, or have complied with the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986.

I do not have any contagious or communicable disease that may endanger the health of school children.

I understand that misrepresentation of any of the above statements will exclude me from participation in the Distinguished Professionals Education Institute.

Permission and authorization is hereby granted for DPEI's duly authorized representative to investigate, question, and obtain verbal and/or written records from references given, prior employers, or any other agency who may have knowledge of my qualifications and character; further, I have any and all claims which may arise against DPEI for the release of reference information. My signature below authorizes DPEI to conduct a background investigation and authorizes release of information in connection with my participation in the Distinguished Professionals in Schools Program.

Thsi investigation will include a criminal history records check conducted by the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation pursuant to Tennessee Code Annotated &Sect;49-5-413 as well as previous employers and educational institutions, personal references, and other appropriate sources. I waive my right of access to any such information, and without limitation hereby release DPEI and the reference source from any liability in connection with its release or use.

Furthermore, I certify that I have made true, correct, and complete answers and statements on this declaration in the knowledge that they may be relied upon in considering my participation in the DPEI. I understand that any omission or false answer or statement on this declaration or any supplement to it will be sufficient grounds for precluding my participation in the program.


The Distinguished Professionals Education Institute does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, color, religion, national origin, age or veteran status in the educational programs and activities it operates, pursuant to Title IX of the Educational Amendment of 1972; Public Law 92-318,Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973; Public Law 92-112; and Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

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